It doesn't mean you leave your toothbrush in my bathroom so don't freak

the sensitive, strong capricorn was confused
was i not your flavor?
a scorpion conquest?
the last i heard
you don't come running to someone
in the night
taking the scenic route
unless your sulfur burns

it's 96 degrees in new york
plastic melting
tar cracked brownie
molten chocolate

i know you have to keep up the macho thing
but i think you are adorable
the goat sees that
behind your berlin wall
apologizing for your tee shirt and sneaker
at midnight
i like your body
smooth and strong
and the angel desperately trying to enter
your bloodstream
like a hummingbird
i like your pheremonal musk
like hot planed wood

believe me
pragmatic capricorn
knows complicated
knows pain
and sadness
and loss
did'nt want to feel that the other day

the wild goat
knows passion
and fire
and loves it
and loves her space too
almost too much
the other day she questioned
her acute intuition
thought she faltered
thought the scorpion
truly stung her

rashaan roland kirk
spoke about the 'bright moments'
in life
we all need those starts
or else, why bother?
